Hail-Vinyl-Siding-DamageLots of homeowners have chosen vinyl siding for their homes, but how smart of a choice is that? It's pretty quick and simple to install, but choosing the easiest path isn't always the best idea. There are lots of negatives that come along with having vinyl siding on your home.

One of the primary downsides of vinyl siding is that they're made from PVC resin, which can have severely negative effects on the human body. What's more, producing vinyl siding at the factory isn't very environmentally friendly, as the process is very pollutive.

Vinyl siding is also very flammable, meaning it could pose a major risk to your home. It also melts under moderately high heat, so it can end up being damaged by hot weather, which we've become more than used to here in South Carolina lately. It's not even very resistant to normal types of physical damage, and can end up breaking very easily. Falling tree limbs or any object thrown with even a little bit of force can end up cracking the vinyl siding.

The plain truth is Rhino Shield works much better vinyl siding. You can even apply Rhino Shield to already-installed vinyl siding to give it protection from fire and heat, and make it more resistant to damage. That's why you should choose Rhino Shield South Carolina for your home exterior coating.

Source: Easy Renovate

Photo Courtesy: American Restoration